3 min read

Smart Habits That Grow Your Confidence | 3 October 2024

Tips, advice, resources and a bit of fun to finish off your week.
Providing the resources your need for your freelance writing journey.

Confidence can sometimes be hard to come by. For whatever reason, you may be feeling like you just don't have what it takes to send that pitch or letter of intent. Or to research and write a truly groundbreaking article or book.

We all suffer from lack of confidence at some stage. And that lack of confidence can kill motivation faster than you can say "imposter syndrome". But there are things you can do to build confidence, like creating habits whose benefits compound like interest in a bank.

Must Read

Confidence is a Habit: How to Train Your Mind for Success

Starting new habits can be hard. And sometimes you might think, "why bother. I'll just revert back to my old ways in a few months." There is a way to build habits that stick, though. And those habits can build confidence, which makes it so much more likely you'll get the success you're looking for. Check out this week's post on using smart habits to build that confidence.

How to Conquer Doubt and Build Confidence as a Freelance Writer When You Feel Like a Fraud

And just in case you missed it, here's last week's post on quick tactics you can use to give yourself that extra little confidence boost right when you need it most.

Boost Your Self-Confidence with These 6 Expert Tips

For a slightly different take on the subject check out this Forbes article on how to build self confidence.

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Resource Roundup

From Hello To Hooked

This quick 55 minute pre-recorded training from veteran copywriter, Steven Lewis (affiliate link), will show you what to include in your welcome email sequences and why. Whether you write emails for clients or you need to write emails for your own marketing funnels, this short course will give you what you need to write emails that keep people on your list longer.

Yes, You! How to Convince And Convert High-Value Clients With Magnetic Messaging

This 90-minute self-paced course will show you how to position yourself authentically and confidently to attract and retain your ideal clients. Perfect for writers who have added or want to add a course or paid newsletter to their business as an extra revenue stream.

What We're Loving

SnugStop - Never lose your glasses down the end of the bed again

This week has been more than a little crazy. So it's been more than a little lovely being able to fall into bed at night for a (hopefully) great sleep. Except there's this gap between the mattress and headboard that I swear is a portal into the same reality that socks go when they disappear from the dryer. I'm always losing stuff down there. So this foam wedge from SnugStop (affiliate link) is just perfect.

SneakERASERS - For sparkling white tennis shoe soles

I nearly fell over laughing when I saw this. Why? Because the original product description I saw said "Sole Rubbers". And in Australia and New Zealand a rubber is a condom, not something you use to clean your white tennis shoes. Still, SneakERASERS are better than using a toothbrush and toothpaste to clean your sneaker soles with ... which is what my sister-in-law taught me to do when I first moved to New Zealand and couldn't find anything to clean my shoes with.

I listened to a fascinating podcast recently from the new Publishing Performance podcast. Host and author Teddy Smith interviewed Kevin J. Anderson who is a New York Times best selling author best known for his work on the Dune series and the Star Wars universe. He has been writing for years and shares his story in this interview.

Upcoming Events

Free Webinar for Translators Looking To Grow Their Business

If you are a translator looking for more clients this free webinar from veteran translator Jason Willis-Lee will be helpful. If you're not a translator, but you know someone who is, please share this link with them.

Wrap Up

And that's it for this week.

Please do hit reply and tell us what would be most helpful for you ... even if you're not a paid newsletter subscriber.

Have you checked out this week's post on recent project opportunities? It's not too late!

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