4 min read

How Power Words Fuel Your Freelancer Mindset

Blurry picture of of woman with her fist stuck out. The fist is in focus and she's wearing a ring that says "I am bad ass."
Photo by Brooke Lark / Unsplash

Ever notice how some days you're on fire, conquering your to-do list like a boss, while other days... well, let's just say your couch looks way too inviting? Turns out, the words we use—both in our work and in our heads—have a sneaky way of shaping our freelance journey. Let's take a look at the world of power words and how they can transform your freelance mindset.

The Freelance Rollercoaster is All in Your Head

Let's face it: freelancing can feel like riding a rollercoaster blindfolded. Or as I said in a presentation this week, it can be a bit of a circus. One minute you're flying high with a new client, the next you're plummeting into the "I'll never work again" abyss. But here's the kicker—your mindset is the track that rollercoaster rides on. And guess what builds that track? Yep, you guessed it: words.

Out with the Meh, In with the Magic

Remember when you were told you to watch your language? Well, they were onto something. The words we choose can either pump us up or deflate us. Let's play a quick game of "Spot the Difference":

  • "I have to finish this project by Friday." 😫
  • "I get to wrap up this project by Friday!" 🎉

Feel the shift? It's subtle, but powerful. By swapping "have to" for "get to," we've turned a chore into an opportunity. And that, my friends, is the magic of power words.

Power Words

Okay, so what exactly are these mystical "power words"? Think of them as a protein shake for your brain—they pump up your language, energize your thoughts, and give your freelance mindset some serious muscle. Here are a few categories to play with:

  1. Action Words: Crush, Conquer, Unleash, Spark
  2. Confidence Boosters: Expert, Pro, Maverick, Guru
  3. Value-Packed Terms: Essential, Game-changing, Revolutionary
  4. Emotion Triggers: Thrilled, Ecstatic, Passionate, Fired-up

Now, I'm not saying you should go full used-car-salesman on your clients (please don't). But peppering these power words into your proposals, emails, and—most importantly—your self-talk can work wonders.

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A Real-Life Example

Let's take our friend Sarah, a freelance graphic designer. She used to introduce herself like this:

"Hi, I'm Sarah. I do graphic design for small businesses."

There's nothing wrong with that introduction, it just sounds like everyone else. After a mindset makeover and some word wizardry, Sarah's intro got a glow-up:

"Hey there! I'm Sarah, and I craft eye-catching visuals that help small businesses stand out and create brand recognition."

Can you feel the difference? Sarah went from sounding like she barely tolerated her job to becoming a passionate brand-building maven. And the best part? It's not fake—it's just Sarah owning her awesomeness.

The Mindset Domino Effect

Here's where things get really wild. The words you choose don't just affect how others see you—they literally rewire your brain. It's like a mindset domino effect:

  1. You use power words → Your brain perks up
  2. Your brain gets excited → You feel more confident
  3. You feel more confident → You take bolder actions
  4. You take bolder actions → You see better results
  5. You see better results → You use even more powerful words

And round and round we go! Before you know it, you've created a positive feedback loop that turns you into a business boss.

Practical Tips

Ready to give your freelance vocabulary a workout? Try these on for size:

  • Proposal Power-Up: Instead of "I can help with your project," try "I'm thrilled to contribute to your project."
  • Email Energizer: Swap "Just checking in" for "Touching base with updates on our collaboration."
  • Self-Talk Makeover: Replace "I hope I can figure this out" with "I've got the skills to crush this challenge."
  • LinkedIn Love: Update your profile from "Freelance Writer" to "Professional Writer: Crafting Content That Captivates and Converts"

When Power Words Backfire

Now, before you go sprinkling "revolutionary" and "game-changing" into every sentence, a word of caution: too much of a good thing can leave a bad taste. Overusing power words can make you sound like you're trying too hard (and nobody likes a try-hard).

The key? Authenticity. Use power words that genuinely resonate with you and your brand. If "disruptive innovator" makes you cringe, don't force it. Find words that light you up and make you stand a little taller.

From Hired Hand to Trusted Ally

Here's a business changer: using partnership language. It's essentially a magic spell that transforms you from "just another freelancer" to "indispensable collaborator" in your client's eyes.

Instead of saying "I'll do what you ask," try "Let's look at how we can achieve your goals together." See what happened there? You've just elevated yourself from order-taker to strategic partner.

Use words like "we," "our project," and "our shared vision" to reinforce this partnership vibe.

Also avoid talking about your client "hiring," "interviewing," or you "applying" for a "position" with them. Employment language immediately creates an imbalance of power in the relationship.

When you present yourself as an equal—someone who's invested in their success—clients start seeing you as irreplaceable. And guess what? Irreplaceable partners command higher rates and longer-term contracts.

So go ahead, ditch the "yes-person" lingo and start talking like the boss collaborator you are. Your bank account (and your professional satisfaction) will thank you.

Your Mindset Makeover Homework

Alright, boss, ready to revamp your word world? Here's your homework:

  1. Word Audit: Jot down the words you use most often to describe yourself and your work. Circle the "meh" ones.
  2. Power Word Brainstorm: For each "meh" word, come up with 3 more energizing or confident alternatives.
  3. Test Drive: Try using your new power words for a week. Pay attention to how they make you feel.
  4. Mindset Check-In: At the end of the week, reflect on any shifts in your confidence or motivation.

Remember, this isn't about faking it until you make it. It's about using language to unlock the badass freelancer that's already inside you.

The Last Word (Pun Totally Intended)

At the end of the day, the freelance life is what you make of it. And while I can't promise that power words will magically fill your bank account (if only!), I can guarantee they'll shift your perspective. And sometimes, that shift is all you need to turn a ho-hum freelance existence into a thriving, joy-filled career.

So go ahead, flex those verbal muscles. Your future freelance self will thank you.