4 min read

AI's Not Just About Content ...

AI's Not Just About Content ...

If I've heard it once, I've heard it a thousand times ...

"Time is money".

Especially if you're a freelance writer juggling deadlines, client calls, and the occasional existential crisis (which, if you're like me, happens when my to-do list is long enough to stretch to the moon and back).

So, just like you, I'm always looking for ways to free up as many hours as I can. For fun projects, for long walks, or maybe just a well-earned nap?

Hence why Treasa and I have been talking about AI all month. We think it's your new secret weapon for turning time chaos into time mastery.

In this post, we’ll explore ten simple, practical ways to use AI to streamline your workflow, save hours every week, and unlock the perks that mastering new skills brings. Ready to work smarter, not harder? Grab your favourite AI tool and let's start!

Must Read

10 Ways Freelance Writers Can Use AI to Save Time in Their Business

I've been playing around with AI for awhile now and every week, I discover something new you can do with it. I'm particularly keen on finding ways that AI can save me time. So I went to ChatGPT (after I'd made sure that the memory function was activated so it would remember things I've told it) and I asked it to tell me how it could save me time. I was delighted to discover that out of the list of ten things it came up with, I'm already doing 8 of them. But there are 2 that I'd not heard of before and I'm itching to try .... In the article I've explained how I use them. And in the true spirit of teamwork, Treasa's jumped in and helped round the article out. Enjoy.

Desktop screen filled with hedshots of people against a purple background

Resource Roundup

Atomic Habits by James Clear

Here's why I'm including this book in this week's Resource Roundup ...

It’s 1:00 a.m. in the morning and I’m stumbling around in the dark, bleary-eyed, trying to reach my 3-year old granddaughter’s room before she breaks down the door.

“What’s wrong, kiddo?”

“Grandma, I need a drink!”
 she whisper-yells, loud enough to wake the dead.

“You have a drink bottle beside your bed!”

“I can’t find it, Grandma.”

I eventually find the missing drink bottle buried under two blankets, 3 toys and a backpack.

And I swear to myself as I tuck the kid back into bed that I am going to reread James Clear's great book, "Atomic Habits".  

And then I’m going to use the wisdom in that book to figure out how to get her to develop one important habit.

And that’s to always put her water bottle beside her bed at bedtime.  Within reach!

Woman in red dress against a grey background pointing

What We're Loving

My New Rolling Backpack

Whenever we travel, my husband growls at me for putting too much stuff in my backpack. Because it's my office on my back with all my notebooks and laptop and an extra book or two, it does indeed get quite heavy. I do carry it myself, so not sure why he growls.

Anyway, this time, we've compromised. And by compromising, I mean we bought me a lovely backpack that has wheels and a handle AND backpack straps. It's the perfect size for going on the plane as a backpack (with my carryon) and it holds everything I need for my mobile office. So now I can take more stuff AND carry less weight.

It's a bit more upmarket/fashionable looking than most of the normal things I buy, so feelin' kind of trendy here 😊.

The Brightwood Code by Monica Hesse

On a whim, I picked up this Young Adult novel by Monica Hesse and couldn't put it down. A lot of chores didn't get done as I got sucked into the history and mystery wrapped up in this exceptionally well written and researched book.

Heroine of the story is Edda, one of two hundred “Hello Girls,” female switchboard operators employed by the US Army on the front lines of World War I. She's back in the US now, trying to make a living as a telephone switchboard operator, but someone keeps calling her and telling her that time is running out ....

Upcoming Events

Mastering Content Strategy

Treasa's next Content Strategy Bootcamp is coming up. This immersive five-day bootcamp gives you a deeper look at the foundational elements of content strategy.

“Foundational” doesn’t mean basic. This bootcamp is packed with actionable strategies you can implement right away to transform your business.

Wrap Up

Well that's it for this week. Please hit reply and let us know what other topics you'd like us to cover.

Have you checked out this week's post on recent project opportunities? It's not too late!

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