Five Ways to Attract Freelance Clients
Juggling freelancing work with running your own service business can be quite a ride. You have to split your focus and spread the word about your business, draw in and care for new clients, and build your reputation—and that's all on top of the actual work your clients need!
Hunting for new clients may sometimes feel like an uphill battle. One trick is to market smartly. What’s vital is that you don’t skip marketing. It’s something you should keep up with, even when you're swamped. Personally, I set aside a couple of hours each week just for marketing tasks. It's all part of the journey!
Let’s look at 5 marketing tactics you can use to attract clients.
Attract Clients with Your Website
While you don’t need one to run a freelance business, having a website does lend credibility and gives your clients a place to find you.
A website is your chance to tell the world what makes your business special. It's where you can highlight all the amazing things you do, and why people should choose you. The primary aim of your website? To grab attention, engage visitors, and get them to make that all-important first contact.
Make sure you're showcasing all the reasons they'll benefit from working with you and what sets your service apart from the rest. Give them a clear call to action, so they know exactly how to kick things off. You want to make starting a project with you as easy as possible!
One effective tactic is to include testimonials on your website. Ask your current or former clients to say a few words about their experience with you. Then display these testimonials so visitors can see how worthwhile your service is. You can also post the testimonials on social.
After you've got your website ready to go, make sure the URL is everywhere you are online, including your social media profiles.
Blogging with a Purpose
Blogging is a fantastic way to show off your expertise while drawing in new clients. Each time you share a post, you're adding something new to the web that might catch the attention of search engines. And guess what? If your blogs are engaging, insightful, and fun to read, your readers will click on your links to see what else you have to share.
There are several ways to start blogging:
- Create a standalone blog using a blogging platform like Blogger or WordPress.
- Add a blog to your website.
- Guest blogging on other people's blogs.
It's very easy to start a blog using a platform like Blogger or WordPress. As WordPress's advertising says, you can start a blog and be writing your first post in a few minutes. But hosting your blog on another platform will never be my first recommendation.
The advantage to adding a blog to your website is that it can help to boost your website's search engine ranking, and you own the platform. Whenever you publish a new blog post, your site has fresh content—something search engines like. You'll also add more search terms to your site, which will attract more potential clients who are searching for those terms.
Guest blogging means writing pieces for someone else's blog. This is a great tactic because it gets you exposure to the other blogger's audience. Look for blogs in your chosen niche and reach out to see if they allow guest posts.
Make sure you write blog posts about topics that are of interest to your client. This shows your expertise in your area. If you put yourself in the shoes of a potential client who is looking for an SEO expert, they're going to find your article on SEO tips interesting and realize that you know what you're talking about.
Using Social Media to Attract Clients
Did you know there are several ways to use social media to find new clients?
- You can search for keywords that your potential clients might use in their profiles or posts. Once you've found them, why not connect with them? Make sure you include a quick note to let them know who you are and how you found them—maybe you have a mutual friend, or you ran across an interesting post they made.
- Playing detective is another way to find clients on social. Think about what terms someone might use when they're on the hunt for your service. Try searching for things like "[your niche]writer needed." You’ll find people asking for recommendations or asking for writers to contact them.
- Remember to speak to your audience with regular posts, and make sure your content is public so that everyone can find you. What you don’t want to do is post to the wrong audience. Don’t write about the freelancing process unless you want to attract other freelancers. Instead, write about and interact with topics that matter to your audience.
- Joining groups and making new connections is also a great way to expand your network. Make sure your profile clearly states what you do and how folks can get in touch!
Keep it real on social. Let your personality shine through, stay positive, be helpful, and refrain from hard selling. If people are interested in what you can offer, they'll reach out to you.

Email Marketing
Ever thought about starting a regular newsletter or sending content straight to your subscribers' inboxes? Email marketing is a golden opportunity, and it's a fantastic way to reach out to potential clients.
Just like blogging, you can send your subscribers a friendly newsletter filled with helpful tips and expert advice. When they need a service like yours, who do you think they'll call? You, of course! Because you've built a connection with them.
While it's important to keep most of your content non-commercial, now and then it's okay to share a special offer with your subscribers. Need a quick income boost? Offer a limited-time deal on a one-off service. Remember, promotional content should be the exception, rather than the rule.
So how do you start with email marketing? Begin by building a list. A sign-up form on your website for gathering prospects gives you a place to invite visitors to sign up for free tips or a surprise gift in their inbox.
Online Groups and Forums
Online communities and forums are wonderful places to connect with potential clients. All you need to do is find one where your ideal clients might be spending time. Create a personal profile and jump into the discussions. No hard selling required, in fact, it's better if you don't. Just be the friendly expert, offering help where you can and mentioning what you do in your profile or signature.
Let's say you're a web content writer in search of webmasters or internet marketers. Why not join an internet marketing forum? If you're a medical professional, there's probably a group that focuses on a specific illness or medical area. For the finance whizzes, there are finance forums full of individuals seeking your expertise.
Some forums even have special sections for promoting your business. Other forums have spaces where you can share blog posts or other content.
Before you dive in, take a moment to familiarize yourself with the forum rules. Knowing what's okay and what's not will save you from any potential hiccups. And while you're at it, take note of how people interact on the forum. Every community has its own vibe, and some are more welcoming of self-promotion than others.
Turn Your Client-Getting Ideas Into Action
And there you have it! You now have not one, not two, but five proven strategies in your arsenal to attract new freelance clients. These strategies are not just theories; they're practical, actionable steps you can start implementing today.
Remember, the world of freelancing is vast and competitive but also filled with endless possibilities. Success won't come overnight. It's about persistence, consistency, and the ability to adapt and grow.
Stay positive and keep refining your strategies as you learn more about your clients and their needs. Your efforts will pay off, and soon, you'll be watching your freelance business flourish.
Don't forget to enjoy the journey. After all, one of the best parts of being a freelancer is the adventure that comes with it. So here's to your success and happiness in the world of freelancing! Cheers!
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