6 min read

Building a Strong Freelancing Business

Building a Strong Freelancing Business
Providing the resources you need for your freelance writing journey.

Let's talk about why building a rock-solid freelancing business matters. It's not just about landing gigs and paying bills. It's about creating a sustainable business that grows with you.

A strong freelance business gives you stability. We all know the feast-or-famine cycle can be stressful. When you've built a solid foundation—a steady client base, diverse income streams, and a robust network—those slow periods become less scary. You're not constantly chasing the next paycheck; you're strategically planning your next move.

It's also about control. When your business is strong, you get to call the shots. You can choose projects that excite you, work with clients who respect your expertise, and set rates that reflect your true value. No more settling for less just to keep the lights on.

A well-built freelance business opens doors. As your reputation grows, so do your opportunities. Higher-paying clients, interesting collaborations, speaking gigs—these become possibilities when you're known for running a professional operation.

Don't forget about personal growth. Building a strong business pushes you to continually improve your skills, both in your craft and in business management. You're not just a freelancer; you're a business owner, marketer, and strategist all rolled into one.

It's about creating something that lasts. A strong freelance business isn't just a temporary gig—it's a career with longevity. It's something you can scale, adapt, and potentially even sell down the line if you choose.

Building a strong freelancing business isn't just nice, it's essential for long-term success and satisfaction in your freelance career. We've gathered some resources this week to help you grow the business you're dreaming about.

Must Read

Running Your Freelancing Business Like a Boss

As a freelancer, you're not just a service provider—you're the leader of your own business. This perspective shift is crucial. When you view yourself as a business owner, you make decisions differently.

How to Use Transparency as Your Business Superpower

How you communicate can make or break your client's confidence in you. This article walks you through how to communicate with your clients with transparency and confidence.

8 Steps to Make Money as a Content Marketing Writer

If you’re completely new to content marketing writing or freelancing in general, or if you’ve been at it a while and need to breathe some new life into your business, this is a timeless article to help you get going.

Top Tips

Implement a Strong Onboarding Process: Create a seamless onboarding process for new clients. This might include a welcome packet, a detailed questionnaire to understand their needs, and a clear outline of your working process. Not only does this make you appear more professional, but it also saves time in the long run by setting clear expectations from the start. A solid onboarding process can lead to smoother projects, happier clients, and more referrals. Remember, first impressions matter—make yours count!

Diversify Your Income Streams: Don't put all your eggs in one basket. While having steady clients is great, relying too heavily on a single source of income can be risky. Consider offering different services or creating digital products related to your expertise. This not only provides financial stability but also opens up new opportunities for growth. Plus, diverse income streams can help you weather slow periods in your primary service area. Think creatively about how you can monetize your skills in various ways.

Resource Roundup

Unlock High-Paying Clients with Quiz Funnel Copywriting

Want to break into a new niche? We know just where you should look! Check out this short pre-recorded training (less than 60 minutes) that will teach you about quiz funnel copywriting how it works so you can add it to the list of services you offer.

Get A Mindset Makeover with writing expert and freelance coach, Treasa Edmond

This transformative short course will help you change your mindset and overcome the challenges of solo entrepreneurship. You'll learn powerful strategies to find the joy in your business, manage your workload, attract your ideal clients, and build a business that truly resonates with your passion.

What We're Loving

The Freelance Content Marketing Writer

If you are getting started as a content writer, Jennifer Goforth Gregory's The Freelance Content Marketing Writer (affiliate link) is the first thing you should invest in (and it's cheap!). Inside is everything you need to know to start or grow a freelance content marketing business. Jennifer shares her proven ideas, step-by-step processes and templates for writers of all career stages. Hundreds of writers (including Jennifer, herself) have used these methods to find high-paying clients, increase their income and create businesses they truly love.

Everybody Writes

Ann Handley's Everybody Writes (affiliate link) is another book every writer should have on their shelf. Do yourself a favor and get a physical copy of this one. You'll want to write notes all over this thing. In the newly revised and updated editionmarketer and author Ann Handley improves on her Wall Street Journal bestselling book that’s helped hundreds of thousands become better, more confident writers. In this brand-new edition, she delivers all the practical, how-to advice and insight you need for the process and strategy of content creation, production, and publishing.

Spotlight on Elna Cain

Elna Cain is a powerhouse in the freelance writing world who's been making waves since 2014. With a knack for turning words into gold, Elna has worked with businesses of all sizes, from local shops to big-name brands. Elna's expertise isn't just talk. Her work has graced the pages of Entrepreneur, Business Insider, and The Penny Hoarder, to name a few. She's not just a writer; she's a mentor, guiding aspiring freelancers to turn their passion for words into profitable careers. Don't just take our word for it. ProWritingAid calls her "one of the pros," while Business Insider praises her coaching skills. Her website, ElnaCain.com, has been listed among the top 100 Best Sites for Freelance Writers for seven consecutive years. Remember, as Elna says, "Yes, you can get paid to write!" So, why wait? Your freelance writing adventure could be just a click away.

Upcoming Events

Mastering Content Strategy Bootcamp

Over the course of five days, you'll get a deep introduction to the foundational elements of strategy. Don't be fooled by the word introduction. The bootcamp is packed full of information to help you understand what it takes to create a successful content strategy.

That's 5 days of 1-hour workshops, community access, daily activities, 2 any-question-goes Q&A sessions, and one month in the Strategy Bosses community (community members pay $47 a month!) for $97. I'm serious when I say you are getting mega value for a small investment into your business!

FREE Grow Your Business Q&A

If you have questions about growing your business, dealing with clients, improving your mindset, or anything else freelance-related, this is the Q&A for you. Save your seat for the first Boss Responses Podcast live Q&A on October 30, 2024 at 12 pm ET.

Wrap Up

As we wrap up this edition of our newsletter, remember that your freelance journey is uniquely yours. Whether you're just starting out or you're looking to level up your existing business, every step you take is a step towards your goals.

Remember, running a freelance business isn't just about the words you write—it's about the relationships you build, the processes you refine, and the value you bring to your clients. It's about showing up day after day, honing your skills, and believing in your ability to succeed.

So, as you close this newsletter and return to your work, carry with you the knowledge that you have what it takes to thrive in this industry. Whether you're crafting your first pitch or planning your next big project, approach it with confidence and enthusiasm.

Your freelance success story is waiting to be written. And guess what? You're the perfect person to write it.

Here's to your continued growth, success, and the exciting journey ahead. Keep writing, keep learning, and keep pushing forward. Your best work is yet to come!

Have you checked out this week's post on recent project opportunities? It's not too late!

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